Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cinnamon's Before and After Pics

Here are Cinnamon's official before and after pictures! The process of fostering her has been incredibly rewarding and a lot of fun. If you are interested in fostering a horse, click on the "Fostering a Horse" link. Thanks!

De-Worming a Horse the Easy Way!

Why didn't I think of this? I read about this method on the Internet. After trying it, I'm scratching my head as to why I've needlessly traumatized myself and horses in the past de-worming the old fashion way.

Normally, the quarterly process of de-worming a horse involves a wrestling match to deposit the de-worming paste in the back of their mouths. Not anymore! Mix the paste with OatMo or AlfaMo and the horse will happily devour the medicine!

Here's proof!

Start with the wormer, a yummy treat, and a feeding dish.

Deposit the correct amount in accordance with your horse's size.

Mix it up!
Warning: Wash your hands immediately or wear gloves.

Happy, healthy horse!

Grateful for the delicious treat!